Child and Clinical Psychologist
My goal is to provide psychological services to children and their families that is practical, based on current evidence-based practices, and custom-designed for the strengths and challenges of your child and family. Treatment is based on proven methods for your child’s individual needs, and is typically a combination of individual and family therapy presented in a down-to-earth, light-hearted atmosphere. We work together as a team: I provide the expertise in child psychology; and you provide the expertise on your child and family. We put our ideas together and develop solutions for your family.
Your child will have an opportunity to use a variety of therapeutic toys, games and books, puppets, art materials, and worksheets as well as talk therapy to help them express their thoughts and feelings. Younger children may feel more comfortable using the sandbox, white board, doll house, puppets and other toys and games specifically designed to help express their needs and work through their problems.
Psychological testing is also available for children and adults.
8 pounds of black fluff and fun, accompanies Dr. Poole to “work,” to help with therapy.
Contact me:
Cynthia L. Poole, Psy.D.
Child and Clinical Psychologist
Boike Professional Building
3180 West St., Suite 9
Canandaigua, NY 14424
585.394.1442, Ext. 308
Effects of Detriangulation on Conflict in Families of Adolescents: Playing the Triangle to Enhance Family Harmony. Alfred University.
Construct Bias in the Differential Ability Scales? Confirmatory and Hierarchical Factor Structure Across Three Ethnic Groups, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, September, 1999, with Timothy Keith and Kimberley Quirk.